Coding from scratch to SCRATCH 3.0

Coding from scratch to SCRATCH 3.0
Coding from scratch to SCRATCH 3.0 Coding from scratch to SCRATCH 3.0 Coding from scratch to SCRATCH 3.0

Coding from scratch to SCRATCH 3.0

6 yıl önce. / 51571 kez okundu.

Bursa Sınav Koleji ulusal ve uluslararası bir çok projeye imza atmaktadır. Bu projemizden biri olan "Coding from scratch to SCRATCH 3.0" kodlama dersi öğrencileri tarafından yürütülen uluslararası projedir. Projenin amacı: dünya ülkeleri ile birlikte Scratch üzerinden yaptığımız animasyon ve oyunlarımızı tasarlayıp paylaşmaktır. Kodlama dersi içerisinde işlenen her konu katılımcılar tarafından paylaşılmaktadır.
Learning about coding from scratch, one subject coding app per month to try out different approaches to coding at school: - coding without a computer - block visual programming - different coding apps - robots in education - Scratch jr - Scratch 3.0. The goal is for each student to understand the logic of coding through an exchange where students will share activities challenge one another.

The main goal is for each student to understand the logic of coding through an exchange where students will share activities challenge one another. Increase student’s self esteem Motivate students for school learnings: Cooperation between students teachers: Promoting digital literacy skills Develop computational thinking Develop creativity imagination Sharing knowledge ideas among partners Develop English.
All the students' work will be presented on the Twinspace, as well as all the apps. Students use coding apps code org sites with more proficiency receive their certificates. Students are able to give coding training to students at the beginning level. A kind of brochure school newspaper about activities to share our work? (it could be monthly per school period per app).